C3 Quest Start!

Well, I wanted to use the DevCat to skip G1 and G2 and get Paladin, but the b*itch wouldn't let me. It seems some others are having trouble with it as well.

And who did I see online but Dice!

Some background on Dice. I really love the guy (in a clean way). He's always upbeat, and so funny. I wish I played with him more; he always makes me smile. I told him that once and it scared him XD

His name is 다이어스 in Hangul (sorta like da-ee-uhsu). I use orange for him because that's what color his name has on Test and NA. He was surprised I knew it was him hehe.

We met at DevilCat, as I heard some Koreans jokingly call it XD

Well, yeah, we all rebirthed to the same age. If we choose an older age, we reach 20, the free rebirth age, faster.

Dice was apparently able to skip G1! But not G2. D'oh! So we figured maybe we needed some levels. Herro (Kyoyaki) and I never finished Ciar yesterday for his "Kill a Golem" quest (due to server maintenance), so why not do that now?

Herro fell off his horse and left me in control. But Eponia has a mind of her own. Playing with foxes?

(The so-called "Smart Pet AI" doesn't take having a rider into account)

Ah? Does this mean Dice pronounces "Herro" the same way I do? I always thought it rhymed with "Arrow" but Herro himself said it sounds like "Hero". ... Of course.
Also Dice has a cute little Lizard pet ^^

Dice wanted to Final Hit the boss ....

But Herro decided to do the "Royal Pet Shuffle" to get the golem kill. Basically, summon a pet, have it attack the monster, then unsummon before the monster counters. Then use the next pet.

Go Perry!

Go Farro!

Go Sona!

Go Woulfe!

In the end, Dice did Final Hit the golem and kill it, but Herro still got the finish.

DevCat still didn't let us skip. So, we decided to start the C3 quests in Tarter town (joke).

Dice has a thunderbird, so I rode with him to Taltan. Herro was stuck lagging with his horse.

So pretty! I'm getting one on NA!

Can you tell I love it? =_=

Dice keeps himself on him at all times!

Anyway, we split up at Taltan. Dice left or DC'd (no idea, but I remember his connection was unstable on NA). Herro got lagg'd to death, so I went ahead and did the C3 quest alone. I was given a medal by Fallon, the old lady NPC. It's a solo RP item.

On site, a lot of players milling about. Looks fun.

Evil person!

It's Fallon. Translation ...


Who's Mr. Shiny Wings?

Oh well, that ended that. Fallon was pretty strong, though.

Then I logged off. C3 trial is over tomorrow.
Meh. I just want to skip G1 and G2, darn DevCat!

Originally posted on 2008/08/03


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