More G1 Quests
So I did the solo Rabbie as Tarlach quest. Tarlach sucks! I hate mages. He doesn't even have counter!
I thought this looked funny. The camera went behind the Goddess statue, so he turned green.

Anyway here are his stats. He's amazing for only age 19.

This scene happened a few times.

Later on there was server lag and the skels didn't fight back. With the fuzzy edges since it's a scene of the past, it actually looks kinda like a holiday picture XD

I hit them all with lighting to make them flinch like this hehe.

I don't think he ever smiles.

ARGH. Why does he get the money!? The damned emo!

The boss is a succubus.
She's saying "All men are the same! I bet you're just looking at my butt!" (not really but she looks pretty contemptful there).

Err well I did take a pic of her butt XD

All stretched out.

Herro wants to level his eagle a lot, but he can't survive Iria's lag. So we took his level 1 pet to Rabbie. Well, it's a start.

I think he's jealous of my windmilling black wolf, hehe.

I had to get off shortly after.
Khenta needs help with his Barri Brown Evil Pass dungeon, so Herro and I helped. Beforehand, I forced Herro to First Aid all of his pets.

Khenta got pretty impatient, but hell, he could have helped -_-
He's too busy saving every last AP for windmill that he can't be bothered to get simple helpful skills like first aid and healing. They're only 3 AP in total. How does he heal his pets?
Meh, anyway, Herro ran out of bandages at one point, for a funny snap.

We finished the dungeon, except Herro disconnected on the boss. And guess what; his chest had the priest's medal that Khenta needs to move on. Gah, so we'll have to do it again tomorrow.
I thought this looked funny. The camera went behind the Goddess statue, so he turned green.

Anyway here are his stats. He's amazing for only age 19.

This scene happened a few times.

Later on there was server lag and the skels didn't fight back. With the fuzzy edges since it's a scene of the past, it actually looks kinda like a holiday picture XD

I hit them all with lighting to make them flinch like this hehe.

I don't think he ever smiles.

ARGH. Why does he get the money!? The damned emo!

The boss is a succubus.
She's saying "All men are the same! I bet you're just looking at my butt!" (not really but she looks pretty contemptful there).

Err well I did take a pic of her butt XD

All stretched out.

Herro wants to level his eagle a lot, but he can't survive Iria's lag. So we took his level 1 pet to Rabbie. Well, it's a start.

I think he's jealous of my windmilling black wolf, hehe.

I had to get off shortly after.
Khenta needs help with his Barri Brown Evil Pass dungeon, so Herro and I helped. Beforehand, I forced Herro to First Aid all of his pets.

Khenta got pretty impatient, but hell, he could have helped -_-
He's too busy saving every last AP for windmill that he can't be bothered to get simple helpful skills like first aid and healing. They're only 3 AP in total. How does he heal his pets?
Meh, anyway, Herro ran out of bandages at one point, for a funny snap.

We finished the dungeon, except Herro disconnected on the boss. And guess what; his chest had the priest's medal that Khenta needs to move on. Gah, so we'll have to do it again tomorrow.
Originally posted on 2008/08/14
Thank the mabi gods for implementing pet healing at NPCs!