Star Wars: The Old Republic

Like many others, I got into the 'beta tester weekend' or whatever you want to call it. I didn't play very long, but here's how it went.

The character creation was all right, though mine ended way more Asian-y that I wanted.

Did not take the game seriously at all. My goal was to get killed in some hilarious hijinks sort of way.

So I wasted a few minutes attempting to attack this giant monster thing but could not figure out how. Turns out it was 'green' status meaning friendly so I could not attack.

'Yellow' monsters, such as these pterodactyl things, are non-hostile but you can attack them. Which I obviously did :D

These are the things I was supposed to be killing for a quest. They were pretty weak.

Repeat this scene thirty-fold because these things are pretty numerous in what I assume is the tutorial zone.

While I was killing these cat things...

This person in the background was hauling ass with a mob on her butt. I lol'd.

Then I tried to go swimming but the water wasn't deep enough. Bonus: Underwater cats!

Oh yeah, somewhere along the way I got a flesh-colored shirt. My character sometimes looks topless, which I surprisingly found amusing. Normally I'm kind of a prude =v

Hold on, I gotta take this call.


I jumped off many cliffs before I finally took falling damage. This was not the cliff.

Jedi Knight dodging bullets like a boss.

But I wanna talk to the shiny blue thing!

And that's really all. I forgot to take a screenshot of the Very Mass Effect dialogue tree, but just trust me, it was Very Mass Effect.

Oh, and combat was using LEFT CLICK. WHAT. It probably can be changed but dang, it was weird to use left-click to attack.

I won't be buying this game or playing it at all because it's an MMO. I'm just... done with MMOs aside from Mabinogi.

And y'know, I never actually got around to dying. Oh well!


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