Cute Pig Attack!

I went into Dunbarton's Bank and saw this. What is it!

Just so random. Actually, it's a statue made from a Mimic pet, I think.

Herro and I went to kill bears for my quests. I cashed in the Skeleton Wolf quest and got a tricolor robe. I was expecting ugly colors, but was pleasantly surprised.

I couldn't carry it, though.

Herro randomly DC'd on me, or so I though, but ... a minute later ..." alt="" />

He logged in as his Herb Pig!

And then charged a bear!

He died. He's only level 4! From then on, he had me kill the bears.

Didn't stop him from taunting the bears.

What a strong finish this is.

After a few more bears, he realized he was only ranking Healing skill.

That just sounds so emotional coming from a cute little piggy.

But he surprised me on the next bear. Looks dangerous!

Anyway, after that we went to try to get me Final Hit skill. I got a keyword from Aodhan in Emain, but try as I might, Nicca just wouldn't let me start the quest. I must be doing something wrong ...

In the downtime from Herro trying to figure it out, I watched the players around us.

What the? It's Fleta!

Then my time ran out so I logged off.

TOMORROW C3 COMES TO MAIN! No more time limit!

Is that a blessing or a curse ...

Originally posted on 2008/07/31


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