Enter Rikku/Somma/Radian/???
My friend Rikku and I were going to play iRO Valkyrie together, but I kinda forgot my password. And my account. And my email. And the name I used to register it. Whoops.
So he decided what he really wanted to do was play Mabinogi again with me. However, he can't play NA server because his country is IP-blocked, and he's tired of how often the KR Test server resets. However again, he doesn't want to play on the Main server because the basic options for an elf, his race of choice, are, let's face it, hideous. He's a perfectionist.
But I really want him on Lute so I told him I'd buy him a premium card after he joins (and proves he will stay long enough for it to be worth my money. I'm stingy with my money ...). And he was happy and joined. Yay!
While waiting for him to dl and install the client, I went and did exploration quests on my elf. She'll be reborn soon, so I may as well grab some extra AP before that time comes.
And I saw one of the new owl pets. Looks like it's trying to perch on his arrow.
Then later I met him in Tir. Yeah, my elf has ever been to Dunbarton so she moves directly to Tir with Continent Move.
He wanted the name "Radian" but apparently it's one of those few english words that a KR player liked as a name (i.e. it was taken). So he is Radianl instead.
Heck, just last night Rikku and I were talking about names. He wondered how I came up with the unique identity of Angevon, since his name, well, it got ruined after FFX, to say the least. Now everyone thinks he's a pervy fanboy or something.
*cough* *cough* Yeaaaaaahhhhhhhh....
Image nabbed from Google Images
Anyway, on test server he used the name Somma, but he's using that name in a story, so he doesn't want to cause confusion by using it on himself. Sort of like if I went around with the name Ellsy. Hehe.
The Christmas event is going on. I saw a blue santa! Blue~~~
With a Miniskeleton pet?
I was going to buy it, but it's no longer sold. Well, it's not all that cute or anything. Kinda creepy. I'd rather have the normal skel anyway.
Well, I took Rikku to Phillia, the elf town (screw you NA, it's Phillia, not Filia!), so that he could make his elf. And he chose his new name.
He never ceases to make me smile.
His poor ugly elf.
I'll buy the premium rebirth card after I feel he's levelled enough, hehe. Can't waste a rebirth, you know.
So he decided what he really wanted to do was play Mabinogi again with me. However, he can't play NA server because his country is IP-blocked, and he's tired of how often the KR Test server resets. However again, he doesn't want to play on the Main server because the basic options for an elf, his race of choice, are, let's face it, hideous. He's a perfectionist.
But I really want him on Lute so I told him I'd buy him a premium card after he joins (and proves he will stay long enough for it to be worth my money. I'm stingy with my money ...). And he was happy and joined. Yay!
While waiting for him to dl and install the client, I went and did exploration quests on my elf. She'll be reborn soon, so I may as well grab some extra AP before that time comes.
And I saw one of the new owl pets. Looks like it's trying to perch on his arrow.
Then later I met him in Tir. Yeah, my elf has ever been to Dunbarton so she moves directly to Tir with Continent Move.
He wanted the name "Radian" but apparently it's one of those few english words that a KR player liked as a name (i.e. it was taken). So he is Radianl instead.
Heck, just last night Rikku and I were talking about names. He wondered how I came up with the unique identity of Angevon, since his name, well, it got ruined after FFX, to say the least. Now everyone thinks he's a pervy fanboy or something.
*cough* *cough* Yeaaaaaahhhhhhhh....
Image nabbed from Google Images
Anyway, on test server he used the name Somma, but he's using that name in a story, so he doesn't want to cause confusion by using it on himself. Sort of like if I went around with the name Ellsy. Hehe.
The Christmas event is going on. I saw a blue santa! Blue~~~
With a Miniskeleton pet?
I was going to buy it, but it's no longer sold. Well, it's not all that cute or anything. Kinda creepy. I'd rather have the normal skel anyway.
Well, I took Rikku to Phillia, the elf town (screw you NA, it's Phillia, not Filia!), so that he could make his elf. And he chose his new name.
He never ceases to make me smile.
His poor ugly elf.
I'll buy the premium rebirth card after I feel he's levelled enough, hehe. Can't waste a rebirth, you know.
Originally posted on 2008/12/27
Heh, I was using Trillian as my messenger back then.