Goro’s Ring

So Herro and I did Ciar Beginner so I could kill the baby golem for one of my quests. And I got a Ciar Lower pass (Basic on NA)! Yay, I could go find Goro's Ring for my G1 quest.

Khenta was hoping we'd do Shadow Missions, since that's like all he does now (that and find elves in the desert), but Ciar Lower passes aren't -that- easy to get. At least, not when you need them.

It was super-laggy here. Darn it for being Saturday morning in Korea.  Everyone wants to play~

Luckily ciar lower is so easy. Just snakes, spiders, and ratmen.
Why did it have to be snakes?!

Herro decided to go wild in this room.
Hog wild?
Consigning his poor pig to death.

I had to solo the boss room in order to get Goro's ring.  I used an elixer of life (invincibility for a few minutes), expecting the golem to knock me down hard and fast.  As it turns out, it didn't even fight back!  Yay, server lag!
I kill you now.

At 1/5th HP it woke up and killed me with a windmill.  Aww.   So I came back to finish the job.
Attack me!

Wasn't hard.
No more slamming me, bitch.

From the chest I got a Fox stick of Understanding and a Ciar Middle for 2!  YESSSS!  I love Ciar Middle.  It's my favorite dungeon.

But Herro afk'd and never came back, so at the boss I just got off.  No way I'm soloing another golem.

Am I really bad at reading Hangul, or is that guild named Heineken?
But I don't like beer.

Originally posted on 2008/08/11


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