Leveling Raci + Picture chat
Raci is a reddish Griffin. She's pretty ... racy ... Ha. Ha. Ha.
I helped to powerlevel her at Black-tailed Mongooses. Set the party to "Anyone can Finish" and "All EXP to Finisher" and that's about it.
Kinda wastes weapon dur, though, so I prefer to level my own pets myself. But I'll help out other people since I simply can't stand it when people buy pets and don't level them as high as they can, as soon as they can. It's like a waste of money, simply can't stand it. Especially when they decide later "Oh man, my pet sucks, better rebirth it!" Arrgh, you wouldn't feel that way if you took the time to level it when leveling was still viable! It's not hard; simply spend an hour a day in Iria until you're satisfied with the pet's level.
This PSA brought to you by Angevon, 2:30 pm May 6, 2009.
Anyway, on to pics.
And then she died while trying to fly away and got stuck in the sky. I couldn't revive her there.
What a dead Griffin looks like.
And they added picture chat in KR. You can draw pictures and send them via chat. You can also copy other people's pictures.
Can't wait for people to draw porn using it >_>
I wonder if this feature will make it to NA.
I helped to powerlevel her at Black-tailed Mongooses. Set the party to "Anyone can Finish" and "All EXP to Finisher" and that's about it.
Kinda wastes weapon dur, though, so I prefer to level my own pets myself. But I'll help out other people since I simply can't stand it when people buy pets and don't level them as high as they can, as soon as they can. It's like a waste of money, simply can't stand it. Especially when they decide later "Oh man, my pet sucks, better rebirth it!" Arrgh, you wouldn't feel that way if you took the time to level it when leveling was still viable! It's not hard; simply spend an hour a day in Iria until you're satisfied with the pet's level.
This PSA brought to you by Angevon, 2:30 pm May 6, 2009.
Anyway, on to pics.
And then she died while trying to fly away and got stuck in the sky. I couldn't revive her there.
What a dead Griffin looks like.
And they added picture chat in KR. You can draw pictures and send them via chat. You can also copy other people's pictures.
Can't wait for people to draw porn using it >_>
I wonder if this feature will make it to NA.
Originally posted on 2009/05/06
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