Inception (2010)
So I finally saw Inception. It was good, but maybe not as good as the hype. It was a bit too reminiscent of Shutter Island with the insane wife thing. The characters were pretty flat, not much time given to develop any of them. But the story was pretty interesting and who doesn't like to see physics all turned around?
Anyway everyone's probably seen it by now so I'm not going to explain the premise. I just wanted to say that gosh Arthur (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) is cute. Cuter than DiCaprio, even.

Arthur is the guy behind DiCaprio.
It's probably because he's always wearing a suit, and men in suits always get +10 charisma. Also at one part he takes off the coat. A nice shirt with a vest is even better than a suit to me.

There aren't many pics from the movie so this is the best I can do.
I don't see why people are saying you need to see it twice to understand it. I think I got it all first try, and honestly, there isn't enough incentive (aside from Arthur lol) to make me see it again. It was good, but not much rewatchability.
By the way what the heck was a snow base doing there? I understand the warehouse and inner-city traffic, and I understand the nice, classy hotel, but skiing and a James Bond-style snow base? What?
Pics taken from
Anyway everyone's probably seen it by now so I'm not going to explain the premise. I just wanted to say that gosh Arthur (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) is cute. Cuter than DiCaprio, even.

Arthur is the guy behind DiCaprio.
It's probably because he's always wearing a suit, and men in suits always get +10 charisma. Also at one part he takes off the coat. A nice shirt with a vest is even better than a suit to me.

There aren't many pics from the movie so this is the best I can do.
I don't see why people are saying you need to see it twice to understand it. I think I got it all first try, and honestly, there isn't enough incentive (aside from Arthur lol) to make me see it again. It was good, but not much rewatchability.
By the way what the heck was a snow base doing there? I understand the warehouse and inner-city traffic, and I understand the nice, classy hotel, but skiing and a James Bond-style snow base? What?
Pics taken from
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