Dark Wizard 34
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Siang 1st - Night
Let's not dwell on the negatives. In good news, Boxxy left the enemy sniper near-dead.
Also pictured: the two-hexes-thick bottleneck of enemies blocking the way to Aqua.
Somma easily avenged his friend's death. (leveling up in the process)
B.Mays was restored yet again by Rogutaan's healing hands.
By the end of the turn, we've cleared out some of the blockage, but the enemy warlock is starting to scare me so he gets a blade storm to the face.
Siang 2nd - Morning
Despite Squishy being confused, the enemy decided to surround him and coordinate an attack on him. He needed extra support, though the king was reluctant not to use his favorite spell.
Not much progress was made in the morning, though Limelle further improved her goat-transformation spell.
It's Boxxy all over again!
This did ~20 damage to Squishy.
~40 damage to Banquo.
Siang 2nd - Noon
We liberated Kaus.
Oh, I don't think it's the demon army he should be worrying about =v
We're on Big Algain at the moment. We'll see the "Little" Algain in the next map.
Hmm, I expected him to say "beloved" before Vian's name, not before the sword's name. The sword would definitely improve our army's standing in the eyes of the people, and I'm sure it would be much better than the short sword about 90% of our men our using.
Come to think of it, it's time I approached the king to approve a budget on upgraded equipment for our troops. The archers have been requesting long bows since, well, since they became archers. The short bows we bought from the third or fourth town we liberated simply are not cutting it anymore. Also, some of our magicians do not even have anything more than a flimsy robe.
(Yumekai actually has no armor somehow ... ? I have no idea how this happened. All units start with a cheap weapon and cloth armor. Maybe I sold it at some point.)
No offense to Flimzy.
Well, what do you know, a Shinobi item. Now all we need to do is find the ninja city and send a poor fool in to pretend to fit right in and learn their secrets.
The priest actually had little to say except how happy he was that we liberated the town. All in a day's work for our army!
Euld improved his paralysis spell (to level 2).
By the end of this turn we've cleared out a lot more enemies, and I've moved Rogutaan in range to heal Link, though he still won't be able to reach Banquo.
Not pictured: Aqua used Beast Voice on Mugenai again.
Mugenai attacked Banquo again (44 damage).
So we used Mega Restore on Mugenai.
In before Aqua uses Beast Voice on Mugenai next turn again.
This happens so rarely I decided to snap it. See, Amon needs 140 exp to level up. Megarestore only provides 2 exp. Blade Storm provides a lot more depending on the target's class level.
Aqua seemed to forget that I havesuicidal OPPORTUNISTIC flying units. We easily dispatched the mage hiding in the back.
He does 38 damage to Banquo, and got a level up from it.
Is it just me, or do ghosts seem susceptible to petrification?
Our second Wyrm.
(attacks Banquo again - units with status ailments seem to get priority when the AI picks a target to attack)
It was quickly dispatched after that.
103 damage
I think this is the highest damage count we've seen.
He is now One with Nature. He also learned paralyze level 2, just like Euld.
By the end of this turn, we've cleared out many of Aqua's minions and secured two spots next to him with paralyzed hydras. This warlock is really not much of a threat. It keeps using Ice Arrow on Squishy for ~25 damage.
He suddenly gave up on Muu. He sees Rogutaan as a very real threat (because Rogu is the highest class-level unit in the area. In fact, this is Rogutaan's final class. There are no more class changes in store for him).
And yet Rogutaan remained unfrozen =v
As if it isn't cold enough being around the ice-block men!
43 damage to Banquo
See, now Mugenai has recovered naturally from confusion and Aqua no longer sees the sniper as a threat compared to Rogutaan.
Time to take down Aqua.
(Beast Voice)
(Confused Rogutaan's move)
(Cure spell)
(Lightning - level 2 spell)
Apparently archers are actually crossbowmen. Who knew!
(Thunder - level 1 spell)
(He missed)
I have a sudden, overwhelming desire to have fish for dinner.
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Siang 1st - Night
Let's not dwell on the negatives. In good news, Boxxy left the enemy sniper near-dead.
Also pictured: the two-hexes-thick bottleneck of enemies blocking the way to Aqua.
Somma easily avenged his friend's death. (leveling up in the process)
B.Mays was restored yet again by Rogutaan's healing hands.
By the end of the turn, we've cleared out some of the blockage, but the enemy warlock is starting to scare me so he gets a blade storm to the face.
Siang 2nd - Morning
Despite Squishy being confused, the enemy decided to surround him and coordinate an attack on him. He needed extra support, though the king was reluctant not to use his favorite spell.
Not much progress was made in the morning, though Limelle further improved her goat-transformation spell.
It's Boxxy all over again!
This did ~20 damage to Squishy.
~40 damage to Banquo.
Siang 2nd - Noon
We liberated Kaus.
Oh, I don't think it's the demon army he should be worrying about =v
We're on Big Algain at the moment. We'll see the "Little" Algain in the next map.
Hmm, I expected him to say "beloved" before Vian's name, not before the sword's name. The sword would definitely improve our army's standing in the eyes of the people, and I'm sure it would be much better than the short sword about 90% of our men our using.
Come to think of it, it's time I approached the king to approve a budget on upgraded equipment for our troops. The archers have been requesting long bows since, well, since they became archers. The short bows we bought from the third or fourth town we liberated simply are not cutting it anymore. Also, some of our magicians do not even have anything more than a flimsy robe.
(Yumekai actually has no armor somehow ... ? I have no idea how this happened. All units start with a cheap weapon and cloth armor. Maybe I sold it at some point.)
No offense to Flimzy.
Well, what do you know, a Shinobi item. Now all we need to do is find the ninja city and send a poor fool in to pretend to fit right in and learn their secrets.
The priest actually had little to say except how happy he was that we liberated the town. All in a day's work for our army!
Euld improved his paralysis spell (to level 2).
By the end of this turn we've cleared out a lot more enemies, and I've moved Rogutaan in range to heal Link, though he still won't be able to reach Banquo.
Not pictured: Aqua used Beast Voice on Mugenai again.
Mugenai attacked Banquo again (44 damage).
So we used Mega Restore on Mugenai.
In before Aqua uses Beast Voice on Mugenai next turn again.
This happens so rarely I decided to snap it. See, Amon needs 140 exp to level up. Megarestore only provides 2 exp. Blade Storm provides a lot more depending on the target's class level.
Aqua seemed to forget that I have
He does 38 damage to Banquo, and got a level up from it.
Is it just me, or do ghosts seem susceptible to petrification?
Our second Wyrm.
(attacks Banquo again - units with status ailments seem to get priority when the AI picks a target to attack)
It was quickly dispatched after that.
103 damage
I think this is the highest damage count we've seen.
He is now One with Nature. He also learned paralyze level 2, just like Euld.
By the end of this turn, we've cleared out many of Aqua's minions and secured two spots next to him with paralyzed hydras. This warlock is really not much of a threat. It keeps using Ice Arrow on Squishy for ~25 damage.
He suddenly gave up on Muu. He sees Rogutaan as a very real threat (because Rogu is the highest class-level unit in the area. In fact, this is Rogutaan's final class. There are no more class changes in store for him).
And yet Rogutaan remained unfrozen =v
As if it isn't cold enough being around the ice-block men!
43 damage to Banquo
See, now Mugenai has recovered naturally from confusion and Aqua no longer sees the sniper as a threat compared to Rogutaan.
Time to take down Aqua.
(Beast Voice)
(Confused Rogutaan's move)
(Cure spell)
(Lightning - level 2 spell)
Apparently archers are actually crossbowmen. Who knew!
(Thunder - level 1 spell)
(He missed)
I have a sudden, overwhelming desire to have fish for dinner.
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