Dark Wizard 45
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Siang 20th - Morning
After our concerted efforts, the Great Serpent is...

still alive.
Not much else happened this morning.

Guv'na took the time to officially liberate Nieve.

Being a dwarf, Guv'na reports that he doesn't care at all what happens to the elf, but, being a mage, he is curious how it was put in the bottle in the first place.

But the shady salesman wasn't interested in anything Guv'na had.

Yes, we know about the monster guarding the mine.

The mayor of Nieve cut a deal with our enemies. The coward! It's people like him that let the demons invade our kingdom so quickly. The king, however, assures me that he'll take care of it when we pass through after we defeat Sheena here.

The king also asked me to tell Guv'na to sell this item for money as soon as he can. I'm not sure why.
This item makes it noon for three turns in a row... I think.

I made Guv'na use the camp option because I wanted to verify what it does. It really does make the time suddenly become the next day's morning.
Speaking of the king, he tried to slay the serpent,

but failed.

Failed big time...
Siang 21st
Where does the time go by?
It seemed like just yesterday -- but I digress.

Three-digit damage~
It's a bit of a bottleneck by the river, but we are making progress despite some setbacks.

Both Invye and MJ were forced to retreat.

And Fluffy is taking a nap.

Sheena suddenly cast a spell we have never seen before. She whipped up a great whirlwind, directed at Drizzing, and the Great Lich and those nearby were pulled into it, and they vanished.

They reappeared elsewhere, a little bloody and battered, but still intact.

Obviously, Vortex teleports every unit it hits. It seems to move them anywhere between 1-10 hexes away. It also hits ~35 damage to each unit, too.
After that, there were some promotions!

Both get +45 HP, +14 attack power, and +3 Defense. Actually, Bubba gained 46 HP, possibly because he is a dwarf. Flimzy is human. The difference between races becomes much more pronounced at higher levels.
We have two more berserkers on our team. Their frenzies worry me, but knowing they will be as strong as Ladywinter someday makes them so valuable.

Sheena seems to strike out at random targets. Maybe she's getting desperate.

Limelle takes revenge on Sheena's wizard.

And finally, the serpent is defeated. Now we need to see if the mine was occupied.

By the end of the day, Sheena's castle is surrounded, and she's constantly casting Blade Storm, mainly at Rogutaan. Maybe she hates druids.
Siang 23rd - Noon
It took most of the day for us to get someone up the mountain to check out the mine. Kefkai, being a dwarf, volunteered to be our diplomat.

The Gaia Armor provides 38 Defense and, better yet, any class can equip it. I'll probably just have Kefkai keep it. Despite the name, it doesn't provide any special protection against earth.

The rest of the day was spent attacking Sheena at the top of the castle. She retreated soon after, spewing threats.

When we finally made it to the castle, who should arrive but the sorceress Susan! The king was more than ready to grant her an audience.

We also received some bad news.

The capital has fallen! Our hearts tell us to go there immediately and take it back, but we already have Sheena on the retreat...
We're going into conference now to decide our next action.

The purple castle means Velonese owns it instead of one of the demon lords. Since Velonese is physically trapped on the southern island, he's not actually at Shire castle - when we go to retake the castle, the boss will be a simple Warlord.
Yeah, so, if you take too long to finish a map, and you didn't leave enough guards at the castle(s) adjacent to occupied lands, you'll lose that castle and have to retake it. It's really a waste of time re-doing maps like this, even for experience -- for experience you're better off just farming one of the demon lords by attacking them and letting them megarestore themselves.
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Siang 20th - Morning
After our concerted efforts, the Great Serpent is...

still alive.
Not much else happened this morning.

Guv'na took the time to officially liberate Nieve.

Being a dwarf, Guv'na reports that he doesn't care at all what happens to the elf, but, being a mage, he is curious how it was put in the bottle in the first place.

But the shady salesman wasn't interested in anything Guv'na had.

Yes, we know about the monster guarding the mine.

The mayor of Nieve cut a deal with our enemies. The coward! It's people like him that let the demons invade our kingdom so quickly. The king, however, assures me that he'll take care of it when we pass through after we defeat Sheena here.

The king also asked me to tell Guv'na to sell this item for money as soon as he can. I'm not sure why.
This item makes it noon for three turns in a row... I think.

I made Guv'na use the camp option because I wanted to verify what it does. It really does make the time suddenly become the next day's morning.
Speaking of the king, he tried to slay the serpent,

but failed.

Failed big time...
Siang 21st
Where does the time go by?
It seemed like just yesterday -- but I digress.

Three-digit damage~
It's a bit of a bottleneck by the river, but we are making progress despite some setbacks.

Both Invye and MJ were forced to retreat.

And Fluffy is taking a nap.

Sheena suddenly cast a spell we have never seen before. She whipped up a great whirlwind, directed at Drizzing, and the Great Lich and those nearby were pulled into it, and they vanished.

They reappeared elsewhere, a little bloody and battered, but still intact.

Obviously, Vortex teleports every unit it hits. It seems to move them anywhere between 1-10 hexes away. It also hits ~35 damage to each unit, too.
After that, there were some promotions!

Both get +45 HP, +14 attack power, and +3 Defense. Actually, Bubba gained 46 HP, possibly because he is a dwarf. Flimzy is human. The difference between races becomes much more pronounced at higher levels.
We have two more berserkers on our team. Their frenzies worry me, but knowing they will be as strong as Ladywinter someday makes them so valuable.

Sheena seems to strike out at random targets. Maybe she's getting desperate.

Limelle takes revenge on Sheena's wizard.

And finally, the serpent is defeated. Now we need to see if the mine was occupied.

By the end of the day, Sheena's castle is surrounded, and she's constantly casting Blade Storm, mainly at Rogutaan. Maybe she hates druids.
Siang 23rd - Noon
It took most of the day for us to get someone up the mountain to check out the mine. Kefkai, being a dwarf, volunteered to be our diplomat.

The Gaia Armor provides 38 Defense and, better yet, any class can equip it. I'll probably just have Kefkai keep it. Despite the name, it doesn't provide any special protection against earth.

The rest of the day was spent attacking Sheena at the top of the castle. She retreated soon after, spewing threats.

When we finally made it to the castle, who should arrive but the sorceress Susan! The king was more than ready to grant her an audience.

We also received some bad news.

The capital has fallen! Our hearts tell us to go there immediately and take it back, but we already have Sheena on the retreat...
We're going into conference now to decide our next action.

The purple castle means Velonese owns it instead of one of the demon lords. Since Velonese is physically trapped on the southern island, he's not actually at Shire castle - when we go to retake the castle, the boss will be a simple Warlord.
Yeah, so, if you take too long to finish a map, and you didn't leave enough guards at the castle(s) adjacent to occupied lands, you'll lose that castle and have to retake it. It's really a waste of time re-doing maps like this, even for experience -- for experience you're better off just farming one of the demon lords by attacking them and letting them megarestore themselves.
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