BioShock - Environments & Misc.

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By the way, this game isn't really for the squeamish. It can get pretty gruesome. When you shoot/hit an enemy, raspberry jam splatters out. It's not realistic, but it is graphic.
They also get 3rd degree burns when hit with incinerate.

I heard this effect was censored in the German version.

Dead bodies are pretty common, too, lying around in every level. In the second level you go through a medical facility, and there are some mutilated corpses around... In the demented doctor's surgery, some of his patients (or, rather, victims) are hung up above his surgery table, looking like they were crucified. There are quite a number of hung corpses decorating other levels too.

A body strung up in a freezer.

There are also two points where I looked away from the screen because I was really bothered by the violence: a splicer getting impaled by a Big Daddy's drill when you're first shown the relationship between Big Daddy and the Little Sisters (this scene was actually nowhere near as bad as the game's own trailer --- but I digress), and a cutscene in which you're forced to beat someone to death with a blunt instrument.

And at one point there's this orphanage you go to, and it's fine, there's toys around, and a jukebox playing, and you think, oh well, this place can't be all bad, even if it is meant for the Little Sisters. And then you go further back and find a room marked "Autopsy" and there's a pile of discarded dresses in the corner and errrrr yeahhhhhhhhh.

Maybe Rapture deserved what it got.

But, anyway, so, another thing nice about this game is the environment. The game is rather 'dark' in content but not that often physically too dark to see. There are only two or three instances in which the lights are turned off just to freak you out.

Arcadia is rather pretty.

The maps can get big, but they aren't hugely spacious and designed just to add more play time (like much of Half-Life 2 ... ).

This is about as big an open area as you get.

You are underwater, remember, so there are no open fields and sky. There aren't any vehicles to learn how to drive, either (like Half-Life 2 and Unreal).

Exploring every part of Rapture is useful since you can find plasmids hidden away. And ammo, health kits, EVE hypos, and money for them too.

Splicers will keep spawning, so you have to be careful even if you're exploring a place you've already been to.

The water textures have been highly praised.

Music from the era often plays from jukeboxes. I've had "(How Much Is) That Doggie in the Window?" stuck in my head sporadically, as well as "Papa Loves Mambo."

Not necessarily a good thing >_>

You'll also overhear announcements on the radio. Some are advertisements --- a guy's going bald and his friend says that it's in his genes, why not get that taken care of with a gene tonic?

In the Neptune's Bounty level you may hear an advert for Sander Cohen's latest music album, but at that time you have no idea who he is, so you probably ignore it, but later there's a level in which you need to meet Sander Cohen, so, well, it's kinda funny how the game ties into itself on a second playthrough.

Other announcements are propaganda. Like, "The smuggler is the friend of the Parasite. Don't support smuggling!" Parasites are defined as the people who don't do anything but expect to get everything --- Andrew Ryan, Rapture's founder, obviously hates socialism.

It's amusing to hear how the adverts and propaganda change from level to level.

There are also posters everywhere, too.

Though I do have to say the vending machines creep me out! Probably because it has a clown on it. It laughs at you! :(

The levels can get long, though... I think the level that bothered me the most was Arcadia. I kept getting lost. The Apollo Heights level was also annoying because I knew I was near the end of the game so I just wanted to get on with it, but there's a lot to explore there so I had to go do that first. Plus I kept getting lost there too.

Fort Frolic is my favorite level.

And then probably Neptune's Bounty.

Oh yeah, and the loading screens aren't bad, either. They only come up between levels, and the quotes and pictures cycle as you wait. Sometimes you get helpful hints instead of quotes.


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