Dark Wizard 61

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The next region is so straightforward that we did not bother to commission a map.

Some heated words were exchanged.

The battle starts with a righteous bang.

Beyond that, this battle is fairly boring, so you'll have to forgive me if I gloss over the combat. You've seen it all by now, anyway.

The ruins of castles litter the landscape. Nothing of value was found inside any of them.

Days later, we find ourselves in a barren wasteland. The terrain serves Velonese little advantage, since his troops are slowed down just as much as ours.

As we approach, Velonese brings his magic to bear.

His own men are not safe from his wrath.

Akatzki has proven his skill with a bow.

And our skeleton has grown in strength, too.

For what it's worth...

We knock Velonese down to about half and then unleash our best on him.

Why stop there? Let's just go. To the end!

I think the enemy's threats would have more meaning if he'd cut it short.

(click to enlarge)

We took the time to commission a map, this time. Velonese is on a small island, accessible only by a small bridge on its eastern side. We'll have to make our way all the way around the island, and fight our way across this bridge.

Velonese immediately casts magic.

He revived one of his demon generals, Aqua. Our pitched fight with him seems so long ago now. I can barely remember it.

250 HP? He'll be no threat at all to us.

We send our liches out ahead, paralyzing everything in their path. It will make to going easier for our warriors following in their wake.

Then, our king stops to contemplate the beauty of the Jewel of Light and Sabrina's majesty.

I put up a video of this conversation, but it's rather boring. Watch it only if you want to hear Sabrina's voice acting. It's not hilariously bad, like Velonese's is. I've put the conversation below.

She recognizes Amon's vampire-ness immediately.

In effect, we have 10 days (40 turns) to finish this map in. If we don't, well, it's not game over, but ... well, we'll see!

We're making our way down the coast.

Until we reach the bridge. This is it, Velonese's last stand!

It really is a pitched battle here. I send in Link because he can sometimes Critical Hit like this to instantly kill an opponent, allowing us to replace the defeated enemy and make progress. He defeats the Death Dragon, but the little Wyrm next to him still blocks the path, so actually my plan failed and no one can move in.

Basically, to get past the bridge, move up all your ranged units and also your magic users who have high ranged spells. Meteor is a god-send here; its range is 5 hexes.

When the path is finally open, flying units like Vespera can pile up in there, effectively trapping Velonese's units on the island.

Boxxy's flight is very useful here. Too bad his damage sucks (relatively) on the dragons. He's pretty good vs. the skeletons though.

I had put Bob in there the previous turn just to block the path, and fortunately he survived.

This is the one battle where the MER SHIP item is useful. I had given it to Euld so now he can move on water, allowing me room for another land-based unit to take his spot.

Susan's undead-ness gives her the same advantage.

Enemy skeleton has 131 HP.


There is no getting offa this train you're on, Link. Don't die, please.

This is also the battle where the dragon rider shines. His damage is extreme against enemy dragons, which is all that Velonese summons by now. As you see, by the end of this turn, we've made some progress.

What? When did he resurect Karmak? I honestly wasn't paying attention. Still, his tanky 600 HP gave us only a little trouble. By now, I have so many ranged attackers and magic users piled around the island that we can easily dispatch him.

Link isn't doing so hot, so we Mega Restore him. Cheap, yes, but it's not like the enemy doesn't do the same.

We stuff Andrew into the only available spot. I'm a little worried for him since he has less than 200 HP.

But the enemy has his eyes on someone else. Meteor hits very hard on Susan since she is undead, so I'll have to heal her.

Or maybe I should heal Firehaze. The enemy dragons have done a number on him. This feels like the only battle it pays to have (undead) dragons on.

And now that we're too close to Velonese, he begins to use magic, and this time with some precision.

So many tanky dragons aargh!

But now that we're broached the island, it's obviously not hard to take them down. Aqua, of course, went down without a hitch.

You'll have to try harder than that, son.

We spend the day knocking Velonese to about half HP. And then, of course, take him out.

There's no dialogue: the game goes immediately into a cutscene and then the ending credits. Enjoy!

Next: But what if we took more than 10 days...?

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